Singapore to Pahang Bus Schedule

Singapore to Pahang

Singapore to Pahang Bus Schedule is from 10:00 PM to 10:00 PM operated by KKKL Singapore. Singapore to Pahang Bus Routes going to Endau, Kuantan, Pekan terminals. Pick up points from Singapore include Kovan Hub 206 going to Pahang.

Travelling today or planning for a commute from Singapore to Pahang? Learn more about Singapore to Pahang Bus Routes, Bus Schedule, First and Last Trip, Terminal location and Route Map.

NOTICE: The fares and schedules listed here may subject to change without prior notice. Pls check with the companies for the updated details.

CommuteTour is in no way affiliated with any of the buses / trains / tourist spots listed on any of its pages.

Singapore to Pahang Terminal Map

Singapore to Pahang Bus Schedule

Singapore to Pahang Bus Schedule is from 10:00 PM to 10:00 PM operated by KKKL Singapore. Fares from Singapore to Pahang Range from SGD 35 to 39.

Kovan Hub 206Endau10:00 PMSGD 35Sun to SatKKKL Singapore
Kovan Hub 206Kuantan10:00 PMSGD 39Sun to SatKKKL Singapore
Kovan Hub 206Pekan10:00 PMSGD 39Sun to SatKKKL Singapore
Singapore to Pahang Bus Schedule

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Singapore to Pahang Bus Route

Singapore to Pahang Bus Route from Kovan Hub to Endau, Kuantan, Pekan in Pahang Malaysia

Kovan Hub 206 to Endau
Kovan Hub 206 to Kuantan
Kovan Hub 206 to Pekan

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Singapore MRT / LRT Map

Singapore MRT / LRT Map. You can remove the other lines by tapping the top left corner of the map with arrow and unchecking the box/es.

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Singapore MRT / LRT Map

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